"As Seen in Playboy MagazineAndrostenone Pheromone Concentrate A new Women's fragrance that contains genuine Human Pheromones.Scientifically designed, tested and proven to
attract men like magic!Now you can be more popular with men than you even thought possible!Much more effective than any perfume you've ever used! The Success of Pheromones have been seen on MSNBC, ABC, 20/20, Hardcopy, Medical Journals, Newspapers and dozens of magazines!The human pheromones that
attracts males has finally been recreated in the laboratory! Naturally found in minute amounts in the perspiration of women, these natural pheromones are an evolutionary remnant from a time when human males relied on scent to locate female mates.It has been well documented that pheromones can trigger powerful romantic responses in men. Unfortunately, evolution has robbed women of the ability to naturally produce sufficient quantities of these pheromones to have a discernible effect on the opposite sex. The pheromones that women do produce are often destroyed by deodorants and antiperspirants. Scientists have succeeded in identifying, isolating, and recreating this amazingly powerful pheromone compound. When used even in small amounts, women report astounding results! You will suddenly find yourself being approached by men who will now make eye contact, smile more often, initiate conversations, and compliment you on your perfume. Men who were standoffish before will now find themselves drawn to you.All mammals produce their own unique pheromones. The incredible power of pheromones is clearly seen in the way a female dog in season can drive hundreds of males crazy with romantic desire, from miles away, using only their natural pheromones! The drive to find a suitable mate is a strong natural instinct in all animals, humans included.The powerful effects of pheromones have been well substantiated."
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